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"Radiance" is constantly buys flax, mustard, coriander, lupine, vetch, peas, diaper and other niche culture.

Offer type: buyPublished: 27.02.2015
Company:"Syajvo" PVKF, TOV
Seller:Taras Shkurko
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Address:Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn

"Lights" private, LTD - exporter constantly buys:


oil: flax, mustard white mustard black mustard yellow, coriander, sunflower confectionery;
legumes: lupine, Vika, diaper, green peas, yellow peas, beans, forage, chickpeas;
grains: millet yellow, red millet.


The high level of cooperation, competitive prices, flexible terms of payment and quick export of the product guarantee.