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Rivets aluminum GOST 10299-80, GOST 10300-80, GOST 10303-80

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Price:153.60 UAH
Seller:Andrej, Ruslan, Yurij
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Manufacturer of aluminum rivets

GOST 10299-80 semicircular head),

GOST 10300-80 (countersunk head),

GOST 10303-80 (flat head).

Minimum order - 6 kg

Send to Ukraine.

Minimum order - 6 kg of the same size. To order the aluminum rivets You can contact the Manager by phone: 056 3759811, 056 7880308, 056 7888079, 0562 396535. You can also send a request by e-mail: