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ESTRACYT Estracyt caps. 140 mg vial

Offer type: salePublished: 02.01.2013
Seller:nikolaevich vladimir
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the APS. 140 mg vial
ESTRACYT Estracyt caps. 140 mg vial
ESTRACYT caps. 140 mg vial,
Dosage form: capsule. 140 mg vial.
Package quantity: 100
Manufacturer: Pfizer Italia (Italy)
Group: Medicines
at a good price. with a good term. Delivery to any city. Phone 093-413-67-63
Pharmacological action
Pharmacological action antineoplastic.
Way of application and dose
Powder lyophilized for solution for injection: in/slow drip.
Estracyt should be appointed experts with experience in the use of anticancer drugs.
The recommended dose of 5 mg/kg (300-450 mg) daily for 3 weeks, then 300 mg 2 times a week as maintenance therapy. If no effect within 4-6 weeks, the treatment should be discontinued. The contents of the vial with Estralita (300 mg) is dissolved in 8 ml of water for injection by slow addition of solvent to the content of the vial; the vial should not be shaken in order to prevent the formation of foam. Due to chemical incompatibility (precipitation) is not recommended for use in physiological solutions for the preparation of injection solution for intravenous introduction.
Estracyt has a local irritant effect, so it should be in the/in a slow thin needle into a peripheral vein or through a Central venous catheter. Estracyt can also be diluted in 250 ml 5% glucose solution and enter/drip for a period of not more than 3 hours
Capsules: inside, at least 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after meals with water. The dose can range from 7 to 14 mg/kg of body weight (4-8 caps. a day in 2 or 3 divided doses. The recommended initial dose 4-6 caps. to achieve a dose of at least 10 mg/kg
If no effect within 4-6 weeks, the treatment should be discontinued.
Storage conditions of the drug Estracyt®
At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.