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Consultation Of The Doctor Neurosurgeon

Offer type: servicesPublished: 21.01.2013
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Address:Russian Federation
In-person consultation with neurosurgeon performed in the Medical center "ARCHIMEDES".
You can get advice on the following issues:
1. Neurooncology.
2. Diseases, injuries of the spine.
3. Brain injury and complications.
4. Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
5. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
6. Syringomyelia and Anomalies Arnold-Chiari.
7. Hydrocephalus.
8. The syndrome of the upper thoracic aperture.
9. Diseases of the nervous system.
10. Pain syndromes.
In the price services included:
- initial consultation available medical documents,
- study of the Central and peripheral nervous systems,
assessment of neurological status and data of instrumental methods (CT, MRI, PET, EEG, and so on),
- development of subsequent treatment plan and further recommendations.
Consultations are held by appointment on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00
Make an appointment to see the doctor, enough to endure the pain!
Tel: 8 (925) 000-70-21