Machines designed for automated execution of all processes and with low acquisition costs.
Design principle: large displacement along the X and Y axes and high stability.
Technology high-speed machining, which allows obtaining the following results:
the optimal time processing of workpieces with high requirements for cleanliness of the surface.
the improvement in the roughness on large surfaces (225 cm2 , VDI 20). .
the ability to perform deep grooves with the maximum guarantees of quality and accuracy (VDI 20 to 100 mm).
The generator with the Expert system for wire EDM machining: 100% performance when independent operation of the machine. Minimum final roughness: 0.1 µm Ra - 0 VDI.
System SAAC (Surface Automatic Adaptative Control), which maximizes the efficiency of the generator when using electrodes with the evolutionary surfaces (particularly in the case of small initial surface).
CNC ONA-S64, with the ability to control and handle with 6 axes (X, Y, Z, C, A, B). CNC ONA-S64 has the function of A-SPACE (spatial processing), which allows the execution of any programmable operation of electric discharge machining (spheres, cones, orbital, vector and so on) in any direction of space.
Great savings: on machines series NX is installed fully automatic filter with a guarantee of more than 10,000 hours of operation without maintenance. The highest degree of filtration (1 micron).