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The cold-rolled channel Frame profile profile Area

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Levchenko Anna Vital'evna
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
The cold-rolled channel with black and galvanized metal. Metal thickness 1,00-2,00 mm
30x40, 30? 50, h, h, h, 50x150, h, 50/200, h gain., H gain., H gain., H gain., H gain.
Other types of profiles:
Z - profile 50,100,120,150,175, 200
Omega - profile: h
Area : equal 35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,100; unequal: 30? 50, 40x50 cm, 40x60, 50x60,h, h, 100x150
In the presence and under the order. Fastest possible delivery!
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