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The summer range of second hand, wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
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Address:Poland, Warsaw

Direct importer of clothing and footwear SECOND-HAND from England!!

Only sortironta from 18 suppliers!!

High quality, great choice.

Our products sell not only in Poland but also in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece, Georgia ...
We there are regular customers, which is very happy with product.

IMPORTANT: Here customers can to see the goods before the purchase!

Packed bags of 10 up to 40 kg depending on vendor and product range.

We invite all those who is looking for good material for Your a warehouse.

We offer:

Mix Summer, Summer dresses, Mix men's spring / summer, shorts, Jackets, spring, Fleece, Jackets ladies., Sweaters spring, t-Shirts Woman(cotton), Sports, Mixed Children 0-15 letwory, Shoes Summer...and much more ...

Pictures at us from 2 € / kg

Sorting in the UK, not to sort in Poland

Customs clearance close to our warehouse. We provide all the necessary documents.

More for more information You can call :

(0048) 0 519-054-781 Ukrainian language

What products you interested? We will prepare a price list for you.


We we invite You in our warehouse!!

T. M. J. Textiles Sp. z o. o.
ul. Turystyczna 2
05-462 Wiązowna, Poland
(national road No. 17, Lublin- Warsaw, 20 km to Warsaw)