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Profiled Sheeting-10 Kirovograd

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:47.5 UAH
Company:OOO Profnastil
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Address:Ukraine, Kirovohrads'ka Oblast', Kirovohrad

The ideal solution for installation of fences and gates of the profiled sheet. Made from galvanized steel and painted metal.

Profiled sheeting-10 - decorative wall material. The original sheet steel profile height 10mm ideal for cladding wall constructions. Wall trapezoidal sheet with a colored polymer coating optimally cover the walls, walling and metal fences and gates.

Useful 1150 mm

Possible bilateral colored coloring polymeric enamel sheet thickness 0,5 mm

The possibility of applying profile C-10 construction

the roof decking on solid sheathing (roof covering);
the element construction of prefabricated buildings and structures;
metal roofing galvanized and painted steel sheet;
the frame structure of the corrugated sheets;
panel enclosures and panel structures of galvanized and painted steel sheeting;
exterior walls and wall design of small architectural forms (pavilions, garages, block-houses, cabins, and so on);
metal fences made of galvanized steel sheet with a polymer coating;
floor wall protective and decorative galvanized and painted steel.