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RENT for shop

Offer type: rentPublished: 06.01.2014
Seller:Nefyodova Inna Mihajlovna
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Mariupol
PJSC "Firm outerwear "Fairy" (garment factory) city of Mariupol, Donetsk region lettings the former pharmacy Ilyich-Pharm" area of 400 square meters, rent RS 52. per sq m (inclusive of VAT), the auction is possible. The room belongs to the complex of factory buildings, has a separate entrance and entrance from the yard, bathrooms, storage rooms. The room consists of two large halls on the 1st floor and several rooms have a basement in good condition. Situated in the historical part of the city close to public transport, large Parking lot for cars. Was executed renovation in 2005, requires renovation. Contact: city of Mariupol, Donetsk region, street, St. George's house 2 (landmark - building DOSAAF). Phone +380677226600. e-mail: or