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Offer type: salePublished: 12.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Novosibirskaya Oblast', Novosibirsk
Vibroblade a device designed to facilitate the unloading of bulk, powder and granular materials. Due to the directed vibration is a steady supply of material from the silo or hopper in the transportation system. Vibroblade consists of a cone, made of carbon or stainless steel, vent for the perception of a load of material, compaction of wear-resistant food rubber grommets to connect with silo and one or two electric vibrators.
We produce Vibrobottoms have the following advantages:
1.European quality at Chinese prices (1.5 times lower than the cost of European and domestic producers);
2.The production time is reduced to 7 working days;
3.Components electricians and mechanics from the leading European manufacturers;
4.Low power consumption;
5.Simplicity of design and reliability ensures high resource device, ease of installation and during operation;
6.Consumables, REM. kits, and spare parts are always in stock. Efficiently and in the shortest possible time sent the required Zap. part in any point of Russia and the CIS. Technical support and service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.