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Video Studio "OJO" in Astana

Offer type: servicesPublished: 17.01.2014
Seller:OJO Video
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Address:Republic of Kazakhstan
Professional video Studio "OJO" in Astana offers a range of services for shooting: video, music videos, wedding films, graduation films, corporate events, anniversaries, sequential shooting, staged photography. In this paper we use the latest equipment: videoclip, video helicopter, digital title and date camera with lighting equipment. Our experts have the skills on the video, produced at the highest level editing, digitization of sound, the elaboration of scenarios. Pro video only in Full HD. Produce record video to HDD, DVD, DVD-BluRay with the development of a unique design on the cover. Video Studio "OJO" is not only shooting! This is a unique and vivid moments elapsed time, in the best quality at the present time!