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the assistance of a lawyer when the accident

Offer type: servicesPublished: 20.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Insurance does not pay?
Insurance lowers the payout?
Do not agree with culpability in the accident?
You and the other party to the accident is the insurance policy.
You were found not guilty, and the payout from the insurer culprit does not cover the cost of repairs?
You are involved in an accident and do not agree that the results of the inquiry You were convicted?
Do You have the insurance policy, however, the insurance company does not accept Your insurance case?
You have the insurance policy and You are found not guilty, but the sum insured is not enough to damages?
All Your questions will be answered and will help experienced attorneys who know firsthand about the above problems. (also disputes with dealers, service stations, insurance companies, caused by an accident).