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The grain moisture meters Pfeuffer - calibration on the Russian grain.

Offer type: salePublished: 21.01.2014
Seller:Bek Evropribor
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
The grain moisture meters Pfeuffer - calibration on the Russian grain.
The moisture meter grain HE Lite is a combination of class and reliability.
The moisture meter grain HE Lite - accuracy is amazing.
The moisture meter grain HE Lite is the standard in Europe, the best in Russia.
The grain moisture meters - Express analysis(certified).
The moisture meter grain - reference variant of GOST.
The grain moisture meter - new measurement technology.
The moisture meter grain HE Lite ( accuracy 0.1%) is a method of grinding-UE 350,
The moisture meter grain and seeds HE 50 ( accuracy 0.1 %) (Pfeuffer, Germany)- UE 650,
The grain moisture meter WILE-55 (Finland) (certified),-220 UE.
, Moscow, 109518, 1st graivoronovskii Ave, 20.
t/f(499)177-92-41, (499)177-91-90, (903)762-0197.