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The counter shop Smart Counter

Offer type: salePublished: 24.01.2014
Seller:Roman Roman Sergeevich
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Address:Russian Federation
Offline counter shop Smart Counter is used for rapid counting visitors enter the store, point of sale, exhibition.
Serves as an excellent tool for marketing research, and determine the conversion of retail points of sales.
Details, and to order the counter by phone specified in the announcement and on the website smart-counter
Dimensions: HH
Power: 3 AAA batteries or 220 volts AC power supply and battery not included)
Max. passage width - 5 meters
Display visitors and 999 people
Color: grey
Fast delivery in hand, subject to availability (1-3 days) or the delivery of first class mail of the Russian Federation for free!
Delivery time 1-12 days, depends on the distance.
Payment upon receipt.
Analogues of Smart meter Counter: Condor, smtrade, Felix, MasterCount, prCountW, SM Counter, Irisys IRC, MegаCount, A1, CountBOX, Easy Counter, OdexPro, SDI, Master Count, TC, P-Count-RF, WorkProf, OdexPro, Condor-7, Condor 3"