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Teach psychologists basic psychotherapy

Offer type: servicesPublished: 01.01.2015
Seller:Zhumahmetovna Zejnep
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Address:Republic of Kazakhstan
My training will increase the effectiveness of Your psychotherapy, attract more clients, as a psychotherapist, I chose the best psychologists, as the doctor spend bioplasma psychotherapy + equipment TAO and Chi KUNG. Teach! Teach basic psycho-correction: this dissociation true self from the body, from consciousness, from emotions. This programming of the future (original methodology). This is the cleansing of the soul" with the rituals of fire, water, and religious sounds. This program "Success" with the creation of associative links to sounds and smell. Equipment TAO for working through fears and santanach emotions, etc. will Share their experiences and best practices as a doctor drugless therapy. It is 7 classes once a week for 1.5 hours with homework.