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Sell shop (shopping place)

Offer type: salePublished: 13.01.2015
Seller:Ivanov Aleksandr
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Address:Republic of Belarus, Minsk
Sell shop (shopping place) equipment, new vending equipment island type (trade island), size 2.4 x 2.4 m, height 1.2 m, material: polished glass, white chipboard, led backlight each shelf and plinth. You can use under a wide range of products: jewellery, gifts, products, accessories for phones, etc. the Store is located in Minsk, in the popular shopping center Castle on the second floor at a busy intersection, right next to the elevators, the first in a series, between branded stores Benetton and Mexx. Available separately for sale equipment or retail space, any form of payment, possibly in installments. Price 39mln.