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Sold pond farm

Offer type: salePublished: 22.01.2015
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Yeysk
Sold pond farm in the Krasnodar region, Yeisk district village Factory, consisting of 4 ponds with a total area of 20 hectares Reservoirs separated by a dam with an overflow gateways. Ponds stocked with fish: carp, carp, carp, carp, carp.
Enterprise also has leisure facilities (electricity 220/380V . water-well). The company is engaged in recreation and fishing. There are guest houses, gazebo on the waterfront, a dwelling consisting of two living rooms, kitchen, bathroom area of 100 square meters, Two hangars, machine woodworking, boats, catamarans. Land of 1.5 hectares for the construction of recreation facilities at 99 seats (the gene. the plan).