Pliers measuring CV-2000 large girth up to 2000 A.
Digital micrometry with test currents up to 200 A: the X-5, CV200A, 8 Miko, Miko 7, Ohmmeter Coil, microohmmeter TS-2, TS-3.
Multimeters Brymen, BM859CF Fluke, Fluke 287.
The technological process calibrators Fluke 715, АМ7025, AM 7111.
Calibrator-comparator КМ300К, KM-300КНТ.
The dynatel Stalker 15-14, stacker 75-14, 410 crossdepartmental SEARCH Wizard, SEARCH Wizard 510.
The seekers for hidden wiring OVT-502, LIS M, Fluke 2040.
Megaommetry E6-24, M6-3, M6 4, E6 32, CA 0202-1.
The measure of the loop phase zero 200 IFN, IFN 300, EP 180M.
Signal generators for testing Diatest, Diatest 4.
Measure for calibration of pulse oximeters MESP, MESP 2.
Termometri TOMM 1, KISI, MIT 520, 515 MIT.
Analyzers of quality of electric power Energomonitor, LPW, UF Resources.
Voltamperfazometry And VAF, UPF 2, VF-22, Retometer.
The meters ground kdz 1, IP 10, IP 20, is-20/1.
Odnoznachnye and multi-valued measure of the resistance of MS 3050, 3055 MS, MS 3080, МС3070.
Voltmeter SV3010/1, SV-3010/2. Ammeter CA-3010/1, SA3010-2, SA3010-3.
Wattmeter CP 3010.