The compressor is stationary, piston, crosshead, four-stage, reciprocating, water cooled, lubricated cylinders and glands.
The actuator is made from two-speed induction motor type АК85/24-8/16 NF4 built into the frame of the compressor.
Compressor 2ГМ4-13/71
Compressed hydrogen gas
The frequency of rotation of the motor shaft, rpm 750/375
Volumetric capacity reduced to suction conditions, cubic meters per minute 13/6,5
Pressure ATM. abs.: Initial 1,01/1,04
The end 71
The initial gas temperature deg. From -25...+35
The shaft power of compressor kW. 150/75
Cooling water consumption without limit when the temperature at the inlet of 25 degrees. S. (est.) l/min 120/66
Consumption of oil for lubrication of the cylinders, g/h 146
The amount of oil filled in the frame of the compressor l 100
Weight of compressor, kg 4420
The motor
Type A2K-85/24-8/16-NF4
Power, kW 160/75
Voltage, V 380
Weight as delivered, kg 5110
Overall dimensions, l x W x h/mm 3477/2275/1900
Will also consider other proposals on industrial machinery