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The miniature bull Terrier puppies

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Price:8 000 UAH
Seller:Pronicheva Vera
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The miniature bull Terrier puppies in kennel VENTURESOME!
Offered for sale puppies born in the cattery VENTURESOME imported from manufacturers of the best kennels in Europe - 3 females and a male.
Mother - FIRST-LADY DU DOMAINE D YSPAHAN - import France. Pure PLL, bite and teeth are normal.
Father - HAGRID VENTURESOME FOR RUDEJ WEDZMY-import Poland. Pure PLL, bite and teeth are normal.
Puppies are born 13.11.2012 year. Healthy, vaccinated according to their age, have a stable psyche, breed temperament, well socialized. Documents KCU-FCI.