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Copper scrap copper Reception

Offer type: buyPublished: 28.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
The company will buy scrap copper at a high price with possible ex at Dnipropetrovsk and region. We buy all kinds of copper products (copper wire, copper pipe, copper C/h b/y, radiators, plates and much more. )

Welcome scrap metalis our company in Dnepropetrovsk. Also practice and cooperation with cities region and the whole Ukraine.

We are interested in metals: steel, iron, copper, aluminum, brass, bronze, stainless steel, titanium, used batteries, lead and other

Additionally you can contact the managers of the company and to learn about taking other metals.

In the list of offers on our company makes the following:

- reception scrap , Dnepropetrovsk and other cities;

- receiving raw material containing a metal;

- implemented recycling of plastic products;

- remove metal structures of different sizes, including large;

- take steel shavings from most metals;

- engaged in the sale of black metal and buying metals.

If s you have questions about a particular type of work, please to contact our staff to discuss possible resolution of exciting issues.

Also we purchase plants for scrap metal.


Among all advantages of the company, we would like to highlight the main, which is profitable and distinguish us from many other names of companies operating in this direction. The first is efficiency. We react quickly to every order and always keep in contact with the customer. Second, and not less important, the argument in our benefits - attractive price. We accept metal at a high price. The third positive aspect is the size of the company and all required documents: certificate of conformity with the standards of our equipment to price lists and checks.

Our the company enjoys credibility among clients, which serve as confirmation numerous reviews and recommendations.