Bizator  /  Adverts  /  metallurgy industry  /  metae, nails, lock fittings


Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Makiyivka

1.Bolt h 188,48 kg;-GOST,UA;

2.Bolt h,78kg; -GOST,UA;

3.Bolt h 967,62 kg; OST,UA;

4.Bolt h _2 760,98 kg;-GOST,UA;

5.Bolt h 319 kg;-GOST,UA;

6.Bolt h,16 kg;-GOST,UA;

7.Bolt h,57 kg;-GOST,UA;

8.Bolt h,13 kg;-GOST,UA;

9.Bolt h 686,85 kg;-GOST,UA;

10.Bolt h,81 kg;-GOST,UA;

11.Bolt h 230,64 kg;-GOST,UA;

12.Bolt h 396,89 kg;-GOST,UA;

13.Bolt h _8,95 kg;-GOST,UA;

14.Screw h 44,3 kg;- GOST,UA;

15.Screw h,26 kg;-GOST,UA;

16.Screw h,81 kg; -GOST,UA;

17.Screw h,48 kg; -GOST,UA;

18.Nut m,72 kg; -GOST,UA;

19.Contrario, m 25_19,76 kg; -GOST,UA;

20.Contrario, m 40_0.38 kg; -GOST,UA;

21.Screw h _41,3 kg; -GOST,UA;

22.Screw h _42,09 kg; -GOST,UA;

23.Screw h _27,58 kg; -GOST,UA;

24.Screw h _12 kg; -GOST,UA;

25.Screw h _1.02 kg; -GOST,UA;

26.Screw 3h20 _0,23 kg; -GOST,UA;

27.Screw h kg; -GOST,UA;

28.Nails 20_57,9 kg; - GOST,UA;

29.Nails 32_580,23 kg; -GOST,UA;

30.Screw 2.5 x 25_16 kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

31.The screw 2,h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

32.The screw 2,h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

33.The screw 2,h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

34.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

35.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

36.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

37.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

38.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

39.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

40.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

41.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

42.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

43.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

44.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

45.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

46.Screw 4,h kg; Anodirovaniem the USSR;

47.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

48.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

49.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

50.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

51.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

52.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

53.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

54.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

55.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

56.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

57.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

58.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

59.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

60.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

61.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

62.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

63.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

64.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

65.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

66.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

67.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

68.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

69.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;

70.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

71.Screw h kg;Anodized host the USSR;

72.Screw h kg;Anodirovaniem the USSR;