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Epimax bottles of 100 ml 50gr.

Offer type: salePublished: 01.02.2013
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
the drug ablagerungen, fungicidal, acaricidal and protivoprotozoynoy.SHAPE: dense extract of black or dark brown color, with a strong smell of pine, bitter and pungent taste.
INGREDIENTS: pine extract, garlic extract, horsetail extract, extract of Echinacea purpurea extract, Artemisia vulgaris, extract of eucalyptus are spherical, the extract of pepper burning.
PROPERTIES: the product has a strong bactericidal, fungicidal, acaricidal and antibacterial action. Properties of the drug are determined by a complex of biologically active substances, macro - and microelements, its constituent components. The use of the drug as a feed additive stimulates the overall development of bee families, activates the egg-laying females and allocation of uterine and bee Royal jelly bee-nurses, increases productivity families, improves the results of wintering. Biologically active substances of the drug stimulates the immune system of bees, dramatically reducing the incidence of bee viral and bacterial infections.
The use of the DRUG: the drug is used for treatment and prevention of Barrosa, carapidae (agarose), fungal and bacterial infections (ascosphaerosis, aspergillosis, American and European hnilica, pragnila, paratyphoid, garrisa, colibacillosis, septicemia), Nosema bees. For the treatment of Nosema, prevention of bacterial and fungal infections, tick infestations, as well as to stimulate the development of bee colonies, the preparation is applied in the spring, after the flight of bees. To prevent Nosema, infectious diseases of the honey bee colonies, stimulating mutual development and strengthening of the immune system of bees, the preparation is applied in the autumn increase of bees. For the treatment of infectious diseases of the honey bee colonies the preparation is applied immediately after the appearance of disease symptoms. For the treatment of tick infestations drug is used after nedobrogo period for 1.5-2 months before the formation of the bees winter club.
The METHOD of APPLICATION AND DOSAGE: therapeutic feeding 50% sugar syrup with the addition of the drug. Curative syrup prepared by dissolving 100 ml (1 vial) in 10 liters of 50% sugar syrup. Curative syrup fed to bees by feeding or filled in the empty cells, which are installed in the broodnest area nests of bees. The consumption rate of curative syrup-30-35 ml per 1 frame densely covered with bees. For prophylactic treatment of a single therapeutic feeding sugar syrup; for treatment of bees from Nosema curative syrup is given to the bees twice with intervals of 3 days. For the treatment of bees from varroosis and acarapis bees fed curative sugar syrup 4-hkrati with an interval of 5-6 days. For the treatment of bees from infectious diseases therapeutic feeding is conducted every 3 days until complete disappearance of the disease, the last feeding is given to the bees after 3-4 days in the absence of symptoms. By sprinkling lechebnicami. Medical Kandy prepared by thoroughly mixing 5 kg of Kandy with 100 ml (1 vial) drug. The rates of consumption of medical Kandy - 50, 1 frame densely covered with bees. For prophylactic treatment of a single therapeutic feeding Kandy. For the treatment of bees from Nosema, lechebnykh given to the bees once based 50-60 g per one frame, densely covered with bees. For the treatment of bees from varroosis, ukrpidshybnyk fed to bees 3-hkrati with an interval of 7-8 days. For the treatment of bees from infectious diseases therapeutic feeding is conducted with an interval of 6-7 days at the rate of 50, therapeutic Kandy on one frame, densely covered with bees. Therapeutic feeding is carried out until complete disappearance of the disease. The final dressing is carried out in 5-6 days in the absence of symptoms. In aqueous solution, by spraying the honeycomb with bees and brood using a fine spray ("Dewdrop" and others ). The working solution is prepared by dissolving 100 ml (1 vial) in 1 liter of warm boiled water (40-50°C). The working solution is cooled to room temperature (20-22°C) and with the help of spray sprayed the frames with bees and brood at the rate of 10 ml per one frame, densely covered with bees. For prophylactic treatment of a single spraying bees; for treatment of bees from infectious diseases treatment of bees working solution of the drug produced with an interval of 3-4 days until complete disappearance of the disease. Final processing is carried out after 3-4 days in the absence of symptoms. For the treatment of bees from Nosema, the processing is carried out 2 times with an interval of 3 days. For the treatment of bees from varroosis and acarapis processing is carried out 3-hkrati with an interval of 3-4 days. In all ways of handling bees, 1 vial of the drug (100 ml) is used for the prevention and treatment of 100 frames, densely covered with bees. All processing work with the solution held at a temperature not below 15°C! When handling bees to strictly follow the recommendations on the concentration of the working solution of the drug and its norms of consumption of 1 frame with bees!