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Carcasses of broiler chickens, chicken butchering.

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2013
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Address:Reutov, Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
We supply domestic and imported raw meat and chicken cutting its own production of TM "Cozy little farm".
We offer from a warehouse in Reutov, Moscow region, 800 m from the ring road:
Carcass CB sort GOST 1.1 to 1.4 kg - ru.
The carcass of the Central Bank for industrial processing 1.4-1.6 kg - ru.
Chickens soup 1.2 cat. 1,0-1,2 kg-ru.
Thigh CB (ridge/ridge)- ro.
Shin CB - RB.
Breast on the bone CB - RB.
Breast fillet CB (GOST)- ro.
Wing 2 phalanx of the Central Bank (THE) - ro.
Legs with ridge - ru.
Feet CB-RB.
Set for soup - ru.
Packaging - box of 10 to 15 kg, shelf life 6 months (t -18). All poultry and meat raw materials has a veterinary certificate.
Terms of payment: prepayment, extension, factoring discussed with each partner individually.