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Piezo TA.124.006 to STI from 0.88 4.04 f for apparatus UST.F for 300 USD

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2013
Seller:Slyishkin Viktor
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Piezo øh,4 mm to the emitter STI from 0.88 4.04 f for vehicles, such as 1.01 f, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 O.
Silver ultrasonic piezo Øh,4 mm for UST 1.01 f is intended to replace (repair) emitters STI from 0.88 4.04 f, used in conjunction with a medical device, such as-1.01 f
Technical characteristics of the piezoelectric element
Operating frequency F1 0,88 MHz
Operating frequency F2 of 2.64 MHz
The diameter of the piezoelectric element 25 mm
The height of the piezoelectric element 2.4 mm
Possible items: CA.124.006-01
Made in Russia