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Bouquets of toys Wholesale

Offer type: servicesPublished: 03.02.2014
Seller:Ol'ga Kuz'mina
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Bouquets of toys by the gross,, more. income for Your store!
If You want to expand the range of his shop, can extend the range of our plush bouquets that purchase as a gift and disagree with a Bang!
We have exclusive bouquets exclusively handmade from the master.
Price list with prices and photos of all bouquets will send, leave a request in the mail.
The minimum order is 10 thousand rubles
The Assembly and dispatch of orders within 3-14 days depending on the volume, because all flowers are exclusively handmade.
On the issues of representation of our bouquets and toys in their region also send a request by email
Olga Kuzmina