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Oil pumps gear type W and NMSH

Offer type: salePublished: 05.02.2014
Seller:Kalenskaya Majya Yur'evna Yur'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Izhevsk
The company "PRO-M" will deliver on the best conditions in a short time from a warehouse and under the order:
Structurally oil pumps are positive displacement pumps. The role of the working body of the gears. When the gears rotate, the suction side vacuum is created, and the fluid under pressure difference (atmospheric and suction pump) fills the cavity between the teeth, is moved to the discharge side and is expelled into the discharge pipe.
Pumped liquid
The viscosity of the pumped liquid from 0,018 10-4 to 22.00 10-4 m2/s (1,08:300°WU) temperature to +70°C (on request of the customer we can produce up to 150°C, you must specify when ordering). The lower limit of the viscosity is limited to the lubricating ability of the fluid, the top is the power of the motor and suction capability of the oil pump.
For example:
NMSF 0,6-25-0,25/U-3 AM TU-06-1558-89
W - sextranny pump
NMSH - oil pump gear on the feet
NMSF - oil pump gear flange
NMSG - oil pump gear with heating (or cooling) of the housing
0,6 - flow pump in litres per 100 revolutions
25 - the greatest pump pressure, kgf/cm2
0,25 - supply pump unit, m3/h
25 - the pressure at the outlet of the pump unit, kgf/cm2
Yu - designation of the material flow of the pump
no symbol - cast iron
B - bronze
Yu - aluminium and its alloys
K - stainless steel
3 - execution engine (marine)
THE 26-06-1558-89 - determination of technical conditions
Conventions on the graphical characteristics of the oil pump:
Q - flow, m3/h;
P - pressure pump unit, kgf/cm2;
N is the pump power, kW;
n - rotational speed, Rev/min;
- Efficiency, %;
- Aquamarina suction height, m;
Products factory performance, has all necessary certificates and documents.
Has a progressive discounts for regular customers. Waiting for your requests.
Maya Y.
LLC "PRO-M" , Izhevsk
phone/Fax: (3412)790-593
phone: (950)830-5845, (912)449-5705