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Line of cross-wedge rolling Dainova WRM25-10

Offer type: salePublished: 06.02.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements WRM 25-10TN Dainova - automatic line hot cross-wedge rolling forgings b/a, 2000 C. the Maximum dimensions of the processed workpieces diameter / length - 7,15 / 68 mm, capacity - 500 PCs/hour, dimensional accuracy at the exit diameter / length +-0,05 / + - 0.5 mm, the capacity of the vibrating hopper - 25 of forgings, the heating temperature of the billet - 400...900 C. Complete state.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU