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Catering in Novosibirsk

Offer type: servicesPublished: 07.02.2014
Seller:Yakovenko Aleskej
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Address:Russian Federation
The company "VIP Service" offers to Your attention one of the most popular services - catering. Our experts will help you to prepare a menu for your event, taking into account all wishes.
The main directions of the Banquet service of the company "VIP-Service - catering for off-site events (banquets, receptions, coffee breaks, picnics, romantic dinner for two), FUN-catering. The menu is modern and varied cuisines of the world gives the opportunity to use customer in the choice of dishes, combining a comfortable camping with deliciously prepared and beautifully served food at the Banquet.
Banquets from 1500 rubles/person
Receptions from 400 rubles/person