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The wheelbarrow construction

Offer type: salePublished: 10.02.2014
Seller:Vasil'ovich Leonid
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
067247-65-30 Wheelbarrow type ATEK. The number of wheels 2. The wheel type pneumatic. Body colored polymer paint. Wheel diameter 450 mm Manufactured in Ukraine, Stroymash. Volume of a body of a hundred and fifty liters. Bolting and therefore has a capacity of three hundred pounds. Each wheel can withstand shock loads up to 350 kg is Designed for construction, transportation of gravel, stone, concrete, etc. In the application is not deformed, it does not bend. Good bearing provides long-term operation. Disassembled, welded metal frame, metal disc wheels with cast iron hub on the roller bearings 204. Wheel diameter four hundred and fifty millimeters. The thickness of the metal body one millimeter, rounded bead reinforced, pipe diameter 25 mm. Pneumatic wheels make it easier to transport heavy loads.