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Fresh-frozen fish wholesale fresh-frozen fish wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 13.02.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
The company "Istok" was founded in 1994 and successfully engaged in wholesale sales of frozen fish and seafood, both domestic and foreign manufacturers.
We offer the following positions:
-Salmon PBG Sakhalin - 110 RUB
-Salmon PBG (processing) - R
-Flounder b/g 0.3+ -R
-Crab sticks ROCK-1 weight. - R
-Bass b/g 300-500 Iceland - R
-Haddock 0.5-1 kg-R
-Herring 15-17 Kaliningrad - R
Cod b/g 2-3 kg Murmansk - R
Cod b/g 1-2 kg Murmansk - R
Cod b/g 1-2 kg Murmansk - R
Cod steaks, Sitodruk - R
-Whiting 1/26, approach 17.02 - R 50K
The range of products of more than 70 titles (full price list on our website istokfish).
Provide shipping as a warehouse, and ship in the port, St. Petersburg.