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Profitable salon business class (Ramenki)

Offer type: salePublished: 16.02.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Profitable beauty salon business class, there is 2.5 years. Located at the entrance to the elite residential complex, gate street, French Windows, stylish renovation.
There is all necessary equipment, including vertical Solarium, machine, RF machine, cavitation, and furniture, air conditioning, TV, cosmetics and goods in circulation.
The total area of 112 square meters, Fully equipped room for hair stylist, beauty parlor with shower, hall manicure-pedicure, massage room, Solarium and 3 bathrooms.
Average revenue - 902 thousand, net profit of 210 thousand payback Period of 14 months.
The lease until 2016, with the right extension.
Will provide pictures, financial data, a list of available equipment, the detailed description.