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The online store of brand shoes (ready business)

Offer type: salePublished: 17.02.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sell ready business in Moscow. The online store of brand shoes.
* the business operates successfully > 2 years;
* net profit store 127 000 RUB. in months.
* the turnover of the shop is 600 000 RUB. in months.
* to compensate the business for 3-4 months.
* delivery of the goods on the day of the order;
* choice of several pairs in the presence of the courier;
* now employs 3 staff: 1 Manager and 2 courier;
* 5 suppliers of footwear (shoes, spring/summer sports shoes).
Safety and assurance. Testing period (before purchase):
* access orders;
* statistics on advertising;
* monitor the work of the store.
What You get:
* contract;
* customer base;
* access to the system management site;
* contacts suppliers;
* training.
Why would I sell a business?
I'm leaving in another large-scale project.