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Sweet tears (saxifrage)

Offer type: salePublished: 19.02.2014
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Sweet tears (saxifrage)
Indications for use:
•for dissolving kidney stones, liver;
•for the treatment of renal stone disease and its prevention;
•for treatment of diseases associated with metabolism;
•clean from the sand;
•inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
This is a unique product, the advanced modern technology and created according to the ancient recipe (recipe copyright KNOW-HOW).
Pharmacological properties:
The most effective remedy for dissolving kidney stones and gall bladder.
Quickly reduces acute pain during renal deterioration.
This tool is intended to prevent stone formation and cleaning of the kidneys from the sand. Marked beneficial effect on the heart. Normalizes water-salt metabolism of the body.
Especially sweet tears efficient in combination with the methods of coniferous baths. Patients taking the drug, say a powerful cleaning processes, accompanied by improving the mobility of joints, a feeling of youth and lightness throughout the body.
Experts also recommend the use of sweet tears as during periods of exacerbation of the disease and preventive cleanse the body, cleansing kidney, cleaning the joints of salt, for the regulation of water-salt metabolism).
Sweet tears contain no chemicals, no preservatives, they are made exclusively from natural raw materials.