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BREAD "Polotsk" extrusion

Offer type: salePublished: 21.02.2014
Seller:Sudilovskij Ivan Nikolaevich
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Address:Republic of Belarus, Horad Polatsk
Offer their own products from Belarus;
- diet,natural product BREAD "Polotsk" extrusion without yeast,preservatives,dyes,sugar and GMOs.(14 species). The implementation period of 12 months. Breads are a good replacement habitual yeast bread.The calories are a little smaller than normal bread,but have been given a number of useful properties.Recommended for people wishing to reduce weight,suffering from metabolic disorders and problems with the gastrointestinal tract,Allergy-prone children.
The products are well recognizable on the Belarusian market and demand from the buyer.Differs in its external,taste and quality characteristics.
We offer cooperation in wholesale deliveries of our products with small and large wholesale companies,chain stores,companies associated with the promotion of food products,enterprises of public catering establishments of sanatorium-resort services.pharmacies, etc., across the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS .
Questions shipping prices,working conditions are open for discussion.In the case of bulk discount system.
Have the opportunity to place an order for the production of private label (private label) at our manufacturing areas.
More detailed information on our website -