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Gift pen Cabinet

Offer type: salePublished: 22.02.2014
Seller:Nikolaev Nikolaj
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Modern business gift is a simple and enjoyable way to establish friendly relations, in addition, well-chosen gift will continue to remind the partner. On the other hand, using fine and high-quality business accessories, You have the opportunity to highlight the status and show good taste, this is an opportunity to make a good impression and it's just a comfort in the work.
Elegant gift pen Cabinet is 16 unique models and each of them are presented in several colors and with different combinations of writing instruments. The main objective of the brand Cabinet is to provide its customers the necessary quality product without overpayment for world famous name. All knobs Cabinet in a gift box and is made of high quality solid metal, lacquer, decorative parts are chrome-plated. Can rest assured that quality branded Souvenirs handle high quality Cabinet that will last a long time and therefore a long time will remind its owner of the giver.
Directory handles "Cabinet" is the link:
Buy gift pen on the phone 097 970 95 07, 095 400 2229, 093 993 23 11 Nikolay Nikolaevich.
Our showroom: ,Dnepropetrovsk, street Krasnozavodsk,3 (district Ostrovsky square).
"Stationery and Paper - stationery for school and office.
Send orders to any city of Ukraine through the "New mail".