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Ceramic laser printer. Muffle furnace

Offer type: salePublished: 25.02.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
In connection with the change of activity, for half the market value of the sold equipment for business.
Ceramic laser printer RICON 430. Paper size A4+ (h mm). Used for printing on decornoy paper, with subsequent transfer of the image on ceramics, glass, porcelain, ceramometal, granite and so on, This unit is ideal for any direction, whether the ritual production or manufacture of photo panels on the ceramic tile. 90 T. R.
Muffle furnace Nabertherm N40 (Germany) is used for ceramics, painting on glass or porcelain, as well as for fusing tasks. 80 M. p.
The equipment is new, hardly used. In the present debolina paper, becolny lacquer, mesh stencil squeegee, ovals for ritual products.
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