Fungicide, Consent 450, buy, price, sale, delivery to Ukraine.Price 24 $ HP Original

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Fungicide mesostena-systemic effects
Active substance:
fenamidone, 75 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride 375 g/l
Preparative form:
suspension concentrate
Mechanism of action:
Fenamidone disrupts the process of respiration in the mitochondria of the cells of the pathogen.
Propamocarb-hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of phospholipids and fatty
Consento® is a drug that contains the active substance of fenamidone of class
imidazolinones with mesosystems mechanism of action and propamocarb-hydrochloride with
class of carbamates with systemic mechanism of action.
Unique is the combination of double-acting drug against Alternaria and
of late blight Solanaceae - system mechanism of action against late blight,
which provides an excellent opportunity to work against mixed-type infection.
At the same time, as with all drugs containing propamocarb, has Consent
the ability to stimulate plant growth.
Consistency of propamocarb is key to strong preventive action against
of late blight. The mechanism of action of fenamidone provides preventive,
antiparasitic and partial therapeutic effect against both pathogens.
The drug is also effective against downy mildew on
many cultures.
Late blight of potato and tomato is considered the most dangerous disease of these
cultures. The defeat of plant disease can very quickly lead to full
yield losses provided insufficient protection of culture.
Cool, wet nights and warm days, creating optimal conditions for
development of late blight. Affected by late blight leaves on the outer side
covered with yellow-green watery spots which later become
brown. In conditions of high humidity or in rainy weather
the bottom side of the white sheet is formed of layers of fungal mold that is
a characteristic symptom of the disease. Moreover, spores are washed down by rain from the leaves and stems, and after getting into the soil and infect the tubers, which leads to a significant loss of yield.
Alternaria or brown blight of potatoes and tomatoes, pathogens which are
Alternaria solani and A. alternata is a disease that has spread from
climate warming.
Usually before the blight, for which it is also called "early blight".
Warm weather creates optimal conditions for disease development: as a rule,
on the leaf surface formed small dark spots, or large with
concentric darker circles with a light frame. On tomatoes
early blight also causes fruit rot.
1.5-2.0 l/ha against Alternaria, late blight
The maximum number of treatments - 3
1.5-2.0 l/ha against downy mildew
The maximum number of treatments - 3
2.0 l/ha against downy mildew, grey and white rot, superficial necrosis, Phomopsis, Alternaria.
The maximum number of treatments - 3.
The combination of two active substances with different mechanisms of action prevents resistance.
The ability to control a mixed infection.
Preventive, curative* and antiparasite action.
An additional stimulating effect.
Favorable Toxicological characteristics - compliance with the conditions of the Food Chain.
* partial therapeutic effect in the early stages of infection