Hybrids the direction of the Grain-silos:
"Brosinski 277 MV" (FAO 250), "Lyubava 279 MV" (FAO 270), "Podilski 274 SV (FAO 270),
"Belozerskaya 295 SV (FAO 280), "Rozovsky 311 SV (FAO), "Solonyanskiy 298 SV (FAO 310)
"Odessa 385 MV" (FAO 360)
Hybrids grain direction :
Frame 267 MV" (FAO 260)
Approximate weight of 1000 seeds of corn varies from individual hybrid and the seed lot.
Seeds protrude "Vitavaks FF" at a rate of 3.0 l/t, packaged in polypropylene bags of 25 kg
it is possible to ship corn seed from warehouses in the cities:
Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Alexandria, Nikolaev,Odessa, Ulyanovka CR.reg.