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Sunflower crude oil ( cold pressed)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr

Offer unrefined sunflower oil cold pressed from the brand "AgriCA" . Crude oil has a large biological value, it contains many minerals and vitamins, including vital vitamin E.

The unique production process of this product lies in the fact that get the oil pressed from cleared husks of high-quality sunflower kernel without prior heat treatment, which in turn gives you the opportunity to get a truly live natural and incredibly tasty product. The lack of high thermal and chemical processing preserves the sweet taste and smell of raw sunflower seeds, the main medicinal and nutritional properties. Only such oil can be considered useful for health. Is the "real" oil well to add to salads: it fragrant and useful.