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Switch Э06В About 630-1000A,Э16В About 630-1600A,Э25В About 1600-2500A.

Offer type: salePublished: 05.06.2017
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Address:Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk Oblast, Ulyanovsk
It is fully compatible in footprint and modern equivalent superseded switch series Electron 630-2500A.Switches Э06В About 630-1000A,Э16В About 630-1600A,2500A Э25В About used complete with modern circuit-breakers 630-2500A extendable performance ВА5045 proton. Э06В About 630-1000A. Э06В About 630-1000A on the basis of ВА5045 proton manual transmission-203370р Э06В About 630-800A on the basis of ВА5045 proton electro drive 228550р Э06В About 1000A on the basis of ВА5045 proton electro drive 234620р Э16В About 630-1600A. Э16В About 630-1000A on the basis of ВА5045 proton-263735р Э16В About 1600A on the basis of ВА5045 proton-274725р Э25В About 2500A. Э25В About 1600-2500A on the basis of ВА5045 proton-284375р PRICES INCLUDE VAT