The basic dye bright green (oxalate)

Company: | Predprinimatel' Skopyuk V.P. |
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Address: | Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Novovolyns'k |
The main bright green dye is used for the treatment and disinfection of juvenile and adult fish from most of the diseases that arise in the course of their commercial cultivation and for preventive measures in the water.
Application drugs (Basic bright green and Basic purple K) for Tracandlit and treatment
diseases of fish
(According to the instructions Department veterinary of the Russian Federation No. 13-4-2/1098 and No. 13-4-2/1095 from 26.11.1997 years)
Main purple "K", the Main bright greensth - melkokristallicheskie powders with a metal brilliance, soluble in water and alcohols. Used for fish diseases by ichthyophthiriasis, trihomoniaza, apiosoma, stupidism, trichoglossum, philometroides, bothriocephalus, dactylogyrus, the ringworm, kostiozom, lepidortozom, lineosa, oodinium, hilodonellezom, kaviza
In spring and summer dLa prophylactic and therapeutic treatment carp, Amur, silver carps and other fish species primary bright green, basic violet "To make the pond based 0.15 g/m3 for juveniles from - 10 to 15 days and 0.2 g/ m3 for adult fish and juveniles older than 15 days.
Autumn - 3 -5 days after final loading Samofalov and constant water exchange and in the spring just after the ice melted, and the passage of flood preventive treatment fish directly in wintering ponds the main bright green and purple "K" in a concentration of 0.1 - 0.2 g/ m3 without interrupting water supply, according to the "Guidance on the application of technical and organic dyes (major bright green and purple "K") for preventive processing of fish wintering ponds", approved Hove agriculture of the USSR from 19.04.71 G.
dysfunctional lineosa, trihomoniaza, hilodonellezom
farms twice a year all infected fish treated in wintering ponds
the main purple "K" or a major bright green at a concentration of 0.1
to 0.2 g/m3: in the fall after planting, fish for the winter and
in the spring before unloading wintering ponds.