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The seeds of the buckwheat Antaria

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Company:DP 'Oranta' TOV NVMP 'Antariya'
Seller:Roman Dmitrovich
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Andrushivka
Antaria According to the results of state trials the variety is entered in the Register of plant varieties of Ukraine since 2002 Grade Antaria displayed in NSC Institute of agriculture UAAS and LLC NUMP "Antaria". The authors varieties: L. Taranenko, K., Karagba PP, Arisen O. L., Daichenko O. A. Kind of Alat. Plant height 95-100 cm, weight of 1000 grains - 27-29, the Variety is medium, the duration of the vegetation period 85-87 days. Resistant to shattering and lodging; not mentioned diseases and pests; refers to the valuable quality grain varieties ( uniformity of grain - 88-90%, plicating - 21-22%, the yield of cereals - 75-76 %, the protein content is 15.7-16.1 per cent). Yield by state and production tests grade exceeded 3.2-8.7 t/ha the best national standards - grades Ukrainka and Lily, as well as all tested varieties, the yield varieties Antaria - 18,6-36,8 kg/ha Area zoning: Polissya, Forest steppe, Steppe of Ukraine. Features of technology of cultivation: • The technology used is generally accepted; • Sowing - end of April - beginning of may; • Seeding rate in wide-row method of sowing - 65-70 kg/ha