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The hemostatic clip "mosquito"

Offer type: salePublished: 19.03.2013
Seller:Maurcheva Ekaterina
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan'
The hemostatic clip "mosquito",a direct 160 mm
The hemostatic clip "mosquito",curved 160 mm
The hemostatic clip "mosquito" curved along the edge 154 mm
The hemostatic clip "mosquito" straight for newborns 125 mm
The hemostatic clip "mosquito" curved for newborns 125 mm
The hemostatic clip "mosquito" curved along the edge for newborns 125 mm
Hemostatic clips "mosquito" are used to temporarily stop the bleeding.
Clamp type "Mosquito" is the most delicate work surfaces.