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Polypropylene bags

Offer type: salePublished: 20.03.2013
Seller:Popereshnyak Sergej
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
Polypropylene bags have high mechanical and impact strength.
The advantages of using
Woven bags are economical, user-friendly and popular type of packaging. Of course, because they have a number of properties significantly superior to widespread linen, cotton, jute and plastic products, as determined by the special characteristics that they possess:
mechanical resistance to abrasion and bending;
green polypropylene bags have low provisoriamente;
they are environmentally friendly;
resistant to high and low temperatures;
polypropylene bags are resistant to the action of petroleum products, boiling water and alkalis;
they have good dielectric properties;
have a high color stability;
do not dissolve in organic solvents;
have a low specific weight.
Polypropylene bags can be used in the construction, manufacturing, household or trade:
This is a great packaging for different products, which is very convenient when performing loading and unloading operations.
You can use them for collection and storage of fruits and vegetables.
Can be used as packaging for transportation and storage of certain types of non-food products, fertilizers, chemical and granular substances, small parts.
Useful as a carrier shell soft containers (salt, sugar, cereals, grain, flour, feed and so on)