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Visio Complex (Complex Visio), the price is 549 USD.

Offer type: salePublished: 21.03.2013
Seller:Berko Natasha
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Visio Complex (Complex Visio) - improves vision in low light conditions, improves blood circulation in the structures of the eye, helps to reduce the risk of cataracts, retinal degeneration, visual impairments with age...
- compensates for the deficiency of carotenoids, vitamins and minerals with high loads on the eyes, improves vision in low light conditions;
- promotes antioxidant protection your eyes (to protect the eye tissues from free radicals);
- improves blood circulation in the structures of the eye;
- helps reduce the risk of cataracts, retinal degeneration, age-related vision disorders, disorders of the eye on the background of diabetes (diabetic retinopathy).
Ingredients: Lutein, zeaxanthin (carotenoids), taurine (amino acid); extracts of bilberry, Ginkgo Biloba, fruit silymarin; selenium, zinc, vitamins a, D, E.
Recommended for the prevention and comprehensive correction:
- visual impairment (hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism);
syndrome "tired eyes";
- reduced dark adaptation (night blindness);
- cataract, glaucoma;
- visual impairment on the background of diabetes (diabetic retinopathy);
- eye injuries and after surgery on the eyes (rehabilitation);
- pathological changes in the retina (macular degeneration) - prevention;
- increased pressure on the eye (including the systematic use of the computer at any age, regular watching TV and when work involving exposure to bright light).
Indications for use.
As a dietary Supplement source of flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals - for prevention and as a component of complex therapy of pathological conditions and diseases of the eye. Adults: 5 ml of 1 times a day during meals. If necessary, the course of treatment and dosage can be chosen by the expert individually.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and lactation.
Form release: a colloidal solution (colloidal stable salt suspension, microctenopoma) in a dark glass bottle of 237 ML / 8FL.OZ., measuring Cup, branded packaging, instructions for use.