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Board 25 30 40 50

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Seller:Menedzher Valentin
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast'
A distinctive feature of cutting boards is the lack of wane edge, i.e. the edge with bark. In some cases, allowed a small wane, provided that its value will be strictly rationed.
According to GOST, there are 4 sorts of edged boards, each has its own characteristics.
For boards of softwood third type is characterized by a wane edge on the plate. According to the standard it should take from each edge not more than 20 mm wide. On the edge should have a width of not more than 20 mm. Length wane edge on the edge of strictly fixed, and should not be higher than 50 % of the length.
For boards of hardwood third grade is valid wane on the surfaces, edges not more than half the width of the corresponding side.
Cutting Board second grade is widely used in construction works and for packing goods. This type of boards used for temporary structures and construction of business premises.