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Cake from Anuta, from 70 UAH.

Offer type: salePublished: 24.04.2016
Price:70 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
I want to offer You something without which does not end any holiday, and this is, You guessed it - cake! I will try to create an exclusive cake for Your own party as You wish.
Cakes are my hobby. In each work, I try to put my entire soul, because I'm so important that You are happy! Products using only quality and fresh.
Decorate cakes with fondant but, the variant without the mastic - aggregate and a minimum of decoration.
I wish You good luck and many joyful moments in my life!!! With HC. Anna.
The price of mastic cakes from 90hrn per kg
Plain cakes from 70 UAH per kg

Orders take a minimum of three days prior to Your event.
Minimum order - 2kg