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Advertising in the community Vkontakte. (Across Russia)

Offer type: servicesPublished: 02.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Advertising in the community Vkontakte. (Across Russia)
Who will see your advertisement? only active and effective audience:
- 15 million subscribers
- 91% of subscribers from 20 years
- 92% female
- 72% of Russia
- 60% Moscow and SPb
! Carefully, after advertising with us you can have loads of applications.
97% of our customers recommend us to their partners and friends.
what is the reason?
- affordable prices
we have not raised prices after the introduction of exchange advertising Vkontakte, although many others did. our prices are affordable for everyone!
- excellent audience
in our communities more than 93% from 20 years, more than 92% female. this is the most effective and active segments.
more than 700 reviews and recommendations!
call me!