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Sale shop 600 square meters Podolsk

Offer type: salePublished: 06.03.2014
Seller:Anton Hlebnikov
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Podol'sk
Sell shop 600 square meters, Podolsk 15 km from MKAD.
Specializing in the production of steel.
1. Lathes - 4 pieces
2. Milling machines - 2 pieces
3. Band - 1 piece
4. Drilling - 5 PCs
5. Radial drilling - 1 piece
6. Guillotine - 1 piece
7. Swar. devices - 6 PCs
8. Welding machine - 1 piece
9. Contactless welding - 1 piece
10. The dust collector Cyclone" - 2 PCs
11. Industrial water treatment plant ( New ) 1 piece
12. Plotter 1.5 meters width - 1 piece
13. Polishing machines - 2 pieces
14. Grinding machines: ( Various ) - 7 pieces
Including hand tools for metal processing.